Lindow, Rio, Wolfe, Cioffi, Gormley, Velikan, and Botschner Win Awards at Efest 2008 Eco-Art Contest
With 50 exquisite entries to choose from in Efest 2008’s Eco-Art Contest, the public – and the judges – were hard pressed to select just one. This year’s entrants ranged in age from five to 84 and were comprised of amateurs and professionals, students and art groups. Assemblage artist Richard Hinger provided the Eco-Art Contest with its “Trash to Treasure” young woman that graced the entrance to the exhibit.
The three main-prize winners are: for Individual Entry, Stig Lindow and “Oscar,” a fish made from metal parts from 1950s garage doors; for Group Entry, submitted by Harmony Rio, Kelly Wolfe, and Janet Wolfe, “Reconstructing a Sleeping Venus;” and for People’s Choice, “Discover Nature – Play Outside” by nature photographer Kelly Cioffi.
Honorable mentions this year go to: Michael Gormley with “35 Hours with a Downed Citrus Canker;” K a r e n a V e - likan’s “Goddess;” and last year’s People’s Choice winner, Carla Botschner with “Faerie Dress,” created with used dryer sheets and lint. Prize sponsors this year include: Pro-Motion Notions, Stephanie Heidemann, Catherine Seress, Whole Foods, Local Coffee + Tea, LolaBlueLiving, Sunny Day Soap, Juno & Jove, Frumples, and D. G. Dart.
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