Sunday, June 15, 2008

Efest Green Team : WELCOME

Thank you to the exceptional individuals helping to produce Efest 2008.

Efest is a volunteer-inspired 501c3 non-profit organization.
Members of the Efest Green Team include (presented in random order): Amara Cocilovo (South Florida Museum), Heidi Allwood (Little Bookworms Bookstore), Bryan Moore (Positive Change Media), Paige Long (Safescapes Landcare), Nikki Heil (Whole Foods Market), Lee Randall (Positive Change Media), Catherine Seress (Author), Jesse White (Sarasota Architectural Salvage), Rick Hughes (, Laura Gale (Everything But The Girl), Monica Eshkoli (Freaky Tiki Surf Shack), Randy Moore (Positive Change Media), Thierry Rouillard (Local Coffee & Tea), Cheryl Mooney, Mark Zampella (MNX Ventures and Positive Change Media), Jake Keiser (Keiser & Company), (PurpledCreative), Craig Hancock (Balance Fitness), Elise Lipoff, Mike Sales (Professional DJ), Michael Henshaw (LexJet), Carissa Warfield (Silver Studio), Holli Schleicher (Professional Photographer and Michael Saunders Real Estate), Ellie Parnes (Positive Change Media), Karen Reynolds (Unicare Systems), Sheryl Rosen (Comcast), Sandy Ritchie (Tax Consultant), Kathy Keh (Professional Consultant), Gaye Hukel (Carlson Studio Architecture), Roger Landry (Building Energy Solutions), Jacque Rene Marion (Real Estate Professional), Kim Hale (Sporting Good Sales), Anya Nadal (Professional Artist), Kim Miele (Professional Events Coordinator), and Debbie Moran (BodyTalk Practitioner).


Efest has additional needs for volunteer coordinators.
This is a great way to make new friends while supporting a fun and meaningful community event. Please email Randy Moore at

Alternative Vehicles - Present a display of new and modified alternative vehicles.

Exhibitor Support - Manage a team of volunteers supporting Efest exhibitors.

Horticulture Tent - Recruit organizations focused on native plants and sustainable landscaping.

Non-Profit Outreach - Build bridges with select non-profits focused on the environment and personal wellness.

Poster Distribution - Manage a team of volunteers distributing Efest posters throughout the region.

Private School Outreach - Build bridges and recruit volunteers.

Public School Outreach - Build bridges and recruit volunteers.

Raffles & Donations - Manage a team of volunteers selling tickets for donated gift items.

Signage Support - Liaison with the Efest sign sponsor.

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