Saturday, April 19, 2008

Green Building University

by Troy Larkin

Location, location, location! That’s what sells real estate according to the experts, right? Well, when it comes to being informed and knowledgeable concerning innovative movements, there are three other words that apply. Education, education, education! Everywhere you turn these days, it seems someone is talking about “green building” or “going green.” Everyone’s talking about it, but do they really know what they’re talking about? Of course no one wants to appear ignorant or uninformed, so they give that nod and the obligatory, “Um, yeah, I’ve heard of that, and it sounds great” response, which actually means, “I have no real clue but all of my friends do, so I don’t want to look stupid!” They know they risk being excommunicated from their circle of highly sophisticated acquaintances if they are not up to snuff when it comes to the latest and greatest and do not want to commit the proverbial faux pas of appearing behind the power curve of knowledge.

That’s exactly what’s happening these days when the topic of “green building” pops up. Everyone knows, or at least thinks they know, that it’s good for the environment because, after all, it is “green” building we’re talking about, and the environment is green – or at least it should be! Well, not everyone who wears an apron is a chef! Likewise, not everyone who talks about “green building” is a chef, either… or contains a plethora of environmentally friendly information.

Alas, poor Yoric, something needed to be done to educate the masses – the result, Green Building University (GBU), a place where those with questions could go to find answers and, upon visiting, could speak intelligently evermore.

GBU is the brainchild of Drew and Debbie Smith, both green building certifying agents. Drew knows what he’s talking about when it comes to green building. He was the first president of the Florida Green Building Coalition. The FGBC is the only certifying body recognized by the Florida Home Builders Association, which sets the green standards for builders statewide. Not only was Drew the first president; he was also the driving force behind the first set of standards adopted by the FGBC. Out of the creation of a statewide standard has come the ever-increasing need to educate builders, trades people, sales associates and the general public in the ways of green building. GBU is a place where the novice and expert alike can go to quench their thirst for the knowledge of green.

GBU offers online classes and onsite seminars that enable the student to choose which level of green they want to attain. The sales professional can achieve the certified designation of Green Building Sales Professional (GBSP), which is recognized by professional organizations throughout the country as qualified continuing education. The technical expert can choose the Green Building Technical Professional (GBTP), which is also recognized by industry leaders nationwide for continuing education credit. All of the classes can be taken à la carte for those wishing to increase their level of green awareness one step at a time as well.

The staff of GBU is a veritable fortress of knowledge employing individuals who have been involved in the green building movement since its inception. GBU’s instructors are available to corporations, municipalities, and community organizations that are looking to increase their “green-telligence” and appear regularly at functions geared to increase public awareness of the green building movement. In a nutshell, green building is an environmentally friendly, energy-conserving, healthier way of building whose time has come. Knowledge is the key to success in any endeavor we choose to undertake. If you’re looking for green building knowledge, you’ll find Green Building University is the location, location, location to receive your education, education, education!

Troy Larkin is a Green Education Specialist with Green Building University. He also hosts a weekly “Green Building” TV show, which can be seen in the Sarasota area on BLAB TV channel 21 weekly at 8:30pm on Wednesdays. He can be reached at tlarkin@ To find out more about Green Building University, go to

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