Friday, August 10, 2007

Global Warming Warning...

Gov. Schwarzenegger of California and Gov. Crist of Florida team up in a potential battle against the EPA to reduce greenhouse emissions.

Check out the following clip posted on YouTube and consider:

1) Do you believe Florida's Coastline is in danger?
2) Is this a Republican/Democratic issue or a People issue?
3) IS there Gold in Green?
4) How do you feel about Gov. Schwarzeneggar suing the Federal Government if a partnership cannot be reached?


GotadePoder said...

1. Yes, it is in danger.
2. It is both issues. We all need to contribute and the government has to help by putting laws for big corporations and small business to become more cleaner.
3. At the moment there is, everybody is trying to get some GREENs for the GREEN. But if this help to make everybody aware of the problem then it is great.
4. I don't know.

Uncommon Blonde said...

This is great! I am so glad to see some Republicans speaking out on this issue - it truly is a people issue and it's time we cross party lines and demand everyone take a stand on this!

Welcome to the Prince Cup 2009: Dec. 8-19, 2009 said...

Thank you for your thoughts. I agree that it has to be a combination of personal responsibility with government backing.

Also, while businesses may well be looking into the profitability of green, I suspect that when more home owners discover the money to be saved by living more efficiently, they will see the value of green too!
